Friday, December 20, 2019

History of Education and Philosophy of Nurse Education

The History and Philosophy of Nurse Education Amy Allin Capella University Abstract Each educator brings to the academic arena their own personal nursing philosophy that is based on experience and is historic in nature. By studying the history of nursing, the educator is able to guide the student through their education process. As an educator the nurse becomes an extension of one’s own personal philosophy. Nursing theory serves as the foundation on which to develop a personal philosophy and characterizes nursing as a profession based on the art of caring and science. In 1907, Adelaide Nutting and Lavinia Dock wrote in the preface to their book on the history of nursing: the modern nurse, keenly interested as she is in the†¦show more content†¦The key to effective education is the commitment of the nurse educator (Bastable, 2003). Philosophy of Nursing Education Historically the philosophy of nursing education is still patient centered with theories of caring but nursing education and modalities have gravitated from hospital- based programs to science based programs in colleges and universities. If higher education is to be a crucial sphere for creating citizens equipped to understand others, exercise their freedoms, and ask questions regarding the basic assumptions that govern democratic political life, academics will have to assume their responsibility as citizen-scholars, take critical positions, relate their work to larger social issues, offer students’ knowledge, debate, and dialogue about pressing social problems, and provide the conditions for students to have hope and believe that civic life not only matters but that they can make a difference in shaping it (Giroux, 2006). The nurse and nurse educator share the same s personal philosophy of nursing acquired through knowledge and life experiences. Wiedenbach believed that nurses’ philosophy was based on their attitude, belief about life and how they reflected reality for them. The three essential components associated with nursing philosophy are a reverence for life; respect for the dignity, worth, auto nomy, and individuality of each human being; and a resolution to act on personally and professionally held beliefs (Nursing Theory, 2011).Show MoreRelatedNursing Philosophy784 Words   |  4 PagesNursing philosophy â€Å"identifies what is believed to be the basic or central phenomena of the discipline, relates nursing to a particular world view, and provides some information on how one may come to learn about the world†. (p. 13, Salsberry, 2008). My personal philosophy of nursing evolved over the years and includes my observations, beliefs, thoughts, and practices. 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